The importance of vitamins and minerals and the role of Supradyn

Learn more about the benefits of vitamins and minerals in human’s body.

Young woman looking through a microscope in a laboratory

How Supradyn works: Role of vitamins and minerals in recovery

Find out how to maintain body homeostasis and how to recover quickly and effectively.

Coworkers sitting in a laboratory

Symptoms and prevalence of vitamin and mineral deficiency

Find out typical symptoms which people who have vitamin and mineral deficiency experience.

Young woman smiling with a mask on face

Prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies among children

You may find out how to prevent malnutrition among children.

Young woman wearing medicine clothes

How it works: Role of micronutrients in children’s growth and development and risk of micronutrient deficiencies

Learn how mcronutrients deficiences may affect children and what is the role of micronutrients in children’s growth.

Young man wearing medicine tools.

How Supradyn works: Impact on children and adolescents’ brain development

Learn how important is proper micronutrient children’s a and adolescent’s organism to provide correct functional of human’s brain.

Young woman pouring a liquid into a test tube

How Supradyn works: Physical growth & development during childhood

From this article you may learn how to improved physical growth among children.

Young woman  with dark hair smiling

How Supradyn works: Support of children’s immune system

Learn how to take care of immunity among children.

Young woman pouring a liquid into a test tube

The How Supradyn 50+ works: Basic roles of vitamins & minerals in middle and old age

Learn how important is the role of vitamin and minerals among middle aged and senior people.

A woman with a microscope in a laboratory

How Supradyn works: Efficacy of multivitamin supplements

Learn how to improve and maintain vitality by multivitamin supplementation.