Best ways to combat cold and flu
It is difficult to avoid catching cold or flu. The viruses can infect anyone, it doesn’t matter if you are healthy or not, young or old. The viruses spread easily through the air, so that an infected person can spread the virus via coughing or sneezing to people in close proximity. The flu season lasts from fall, through winter and into spring, peaking between December and February. The infected individuals can pass the viruses to others a day before and up to 5 – 7 days after they develop symptoms. This period can be longer in young children or people with a weak immune system. Colds and the flu are both respiratory infections. The main difference between a cold and the flu is the severity of the symptoms. Generally, a cold is going to have milder symptoms than the flu.
Although it is difficult to avoid catching cold or flu, there are some ways to strengthen your immune system. As you get older your immune system changes and becomes less able to identify foreign viruses. Your body produces fewer and less effective white blood cells which are responsible for fighting the viruses. This leads to the increased risk of catching diseases like flu. Some scientists suggest that moderate exercise can boost your body’s ability to fight off bacterial infections as it ages.1 It is also important to include sufficient vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C and zinc in your diet. During the winter months there is less availability of seasonal fruits and vegetables which can provide you with those vitamins and minerals so additionally you can use supplements like multivitamin Supradyn. Supradyn difese effervescent tablet is a dietary supplement containing vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D. Together, they contribute to maintaining the body's defenses in a mutually reinforcing way.
Other ways of boosting your immune system and help to prevent colds and flu:
- Sleep well. It has been proven that not getting enough sleep can affect your immune system. It is recommended to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. Adults should get between 7 – 9 hours of sleep every day. A good rest is the key to maintaining both mental and physical balance.
- Protect yourself against pollution. Immune systems are affected by your environment, the air you breathe, places you walk or water you drink. When your lungs, gut or skin come to contact with any environmental pollutants, your immune system has to work hard to fight them.
- Travel safe. During travelling your immune system is faced with new bacteria and viruses. It is important to boost your immune system with all the micronutrients it needs to function properly. It would be a good idea to pack a hand sanitiser to help keep things germ-free when you can’t wash your hands easily.
- Stay happy and stress free. The more optimistic you feel, the stronger your immune system will be. Stress puts your body in a constant alarm situation which can be extremely harmful for your immune system so you should maintain a calm and controlled pace of life. Also, scientists have found that pessimistic people often live shorter than those with an optimistic outlook on life, and that laughter helps reduce stress hormones and boost immune cell production.2,3
- Keep healthy and balanced food. You should include in your diet foods that contain necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system in good condition. Vitamins like vitamin C, D, and minerals like copper, iron, and zinc are just some of the micronutrients which the body needs to stay well. Great sources of these vitamins and minerals are found in: fish and seafood, red meat, green vegetables, fruits like: oranges, kiwis or strawberries, nuts. Supplements like multivitamin Supradyn can also add those vitamins and minerals to your diet. Supradyn is a complete multivitamin formula that works from the first intake.
However, if you were not lucky and managed to catch the cold/ flu virus, there are some ways to combat it. Antibiotics target bacteria only and therefore, will not work in case of viral infections such as cold or flu. Instead, you can try these safe and effective natural flu remedies:
You should stay at home as soon as you notice cold/flu symptoms to stop the infection from spreading. While feeling poorly you won’t be able to do much anyway and sleep is a natural flu remedy. While resting, place an extra pillow under your head to help drain your nasal passages.
Drinking plenty of fluids can help break up nasal mucus and prevent dehydration. Stay away from drinks like coffee, tea, or sodas which can be dehydrating.
Dissolving salt in warm water and gargling with it may help ease a sore throat.
Steam can help in moisturizing your throat and nasal passages, while also helping to clear them from mucus.
There is some evidence that taking zinc supplements as soon as you notice the flu symptoms may reduce the length of illness.4,5 Supradyn difese contains a high dose of vitamins C and D and zinc. Its specially designed formula will help reduce symptoms of cold and flu and will let you recover faster.
A study has found that one of the ingredients of chicken soup which is called carnosine can help the immune system fight off the flu.6
If you want to keep your family safe while you try to combat the flu, here are some tips to stop colds and flu from spreading:
- Wash hands. Infectious diseases are spread by touch, they can get from hands to eyes and mouth.
- Use tissues. When coughing or sneezing you should use a tissue, then throw it in the bin. The germs won’t get on your hands and spread.
- Disinfect things you touch. You should disinfect objects like remote controls, toys, doorknobs or tables. Germs can live there for hours.
- Don’t share personal items. You should avoid sharing toothbrushes, towels, cups or utensils with someone who is ill.
Although it might be difficult to avoid cold or flu when winter season is upon us, there are some ways that you can strengthen your immune system and help fight the viruses. The best way to stay healthy is to boost your body with lots of vitamins and minerals, get enough sleep every day and stay away from stress. Dietary supplements like Supradyn Difese can also help with strengthening your immune system. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains, it will help you fight winter fatigue, boost your energy and will support vitamin D production during period of reduced sunlight exposure.
1 Nieman, D. C., Henson, D. A., Austin, M. D., & Sha, W. (2010). Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(12), 987–992. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2010.077875
2 Boehm, J. K., Chen, Y., Koga, H., Mathur, M. B., Vie, L. L., & Kubzansky, L. D. (2018). Is Optimism Associated With Healthier Cardiovascular-Related Behavior? Circulation Research, 122(8), 1119–1134. doi: 10.1161/circresaha.117.310828
3 Bennett, M. P., & Lengacher, C. (2009). Humor and Laughter May Influence Health IV. Humor and Immune Function. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 6(2), 159–164. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nem149
4 Marshall, I. (1999). Zinc for the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd001364
5 Singh, M., & Das, R. R. (2013). Zinc for the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd001364.pub4
6 Babizhayev, M. A., & Deyev, A. I. (2012). Management of the Virulent Influenza Virus Infection by Oral Formulation of Nonhydrolized Carnosine and Isopeptide of Carnosine Attenuating Proinflammatory Cytokine-Induced Nitric Oxide Production. American Journal of Therapeutics, 19(1). doi: 10.1097/mjt.0b013e3181dcf589